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College Week at Davis!



Colleges Across the US

College Week here at Davis was a total success!  Our students were so excited to hear about the many advantages of being COLLEGE FOCUSED.  They even had the opportunity to initiate conversations with their teachers about the experiences they had when attending colleges all across the country.  We all got to dress in our favorite college gear and partake in an end of the week raffle where the Counseling Center awarded students with gift cards and Shark jerseys! IT WAS A BLAST!

We also took time to let our students know about the A-G requirements that need to be completed before graduating high school.  Check them out below:


You Can go to College

Check out the fun we had celebrating College Week

Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017
Davis College Week 2017